Administration Module

This module will be used to edit the data in the language, version, and user tables. It will consist of three couples of pages - one couple for every table. The first page in each couple will allow user to select desired operation on the table - add record or modify existing record (all existing records will be selectable by dropdown list - primary key will be displayed). The second page from each couple will contain fields allowing to edit all the attributes of the record in the table. If the page will be called with request to add new one, all fields will be empty, if the page will be called with an option to modify existing record, the fields will contain current values and user will be able to modify them. Pressing save will insert or update the table.

If the set of values of filed is restricted (for example foreign keys), the values should be selectable using drop down lists. User modification page will also allow the modification of the relation translates (add relation to given language, remove relation to given language).

Any logged translator will be able to modify own user data except own state, own role, and relation translates. Any logged administrator will be able to modify own user data and the user data of any translator, and the language data for the language he translates. Logged administrator will be able to modify the data of the version which he maintains.


SimuTranslator: ©2004-2005 SimuTranslator Team
Documentation: ©2004-2005 Tomáš Kubeš
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