Data Dictionary

Data Implementation


Name Type Null Default
 language_id  varchar(5) No   
 language_name  varchar(255) No   
 font1  varchar(50) Yes  NULL 
 font2  varchar(50) Yes  NULL 
 f_desc  text Yes  NULL 
 lng_coding  varchar(20) Yes  cp852 

This table holds information about available languages. Important field is the f_desc which holds the description of the character lengths of used font, to be used by the output text wrapper. Some fields have become obsolete with newer version of Simutrans. All Simutrans texts can be now UTF-8 encoded and the 2nd font it not used anymore.


Field Type Null Default
Object_obj_name varchar(100) No   
Object_Version_version_id int(11) No 
Object_obj_type varchar(50) No   
image_name varchar(30) No  Image[0] 
unzoomable  tinyint(1) No 
image_order  tinyint(3) Yes  128 
image_data  blob Yes  NULL 

This table holds image data. All its entities are dependent on the parent objects. Image data are stored in the PNG format in the database. This means, that if you directly save (or send to browser) the content of image_data you get a valid PNG image.


Field Type Null Default
obj_name varchar(100) No   
Version_version_id int(11) No 
obj  varchar(50) No   
image_path  varchar(255) No   
obj_note  text Yes  NULL 
obj_copyright  varchar(45) Yes  NULL 
img_state  enum('discarded', 'active', 'pending', 'dummy') No  dummy 
mod_date  timestamp Yes  CURRENT_TIMESTAMP 

This table holds information about existing Simutrans objects. Img_state field describes the state of the object in terms of relation to the set. This is used when painters create new objects to be added to the set, which need to be approved by an admin at first. Field img_dsc is obsolete and will be discarded.


Field Type Null Default
p_value  varchar(100) No   
p_name  varchar(50) No   
having_obj_name  varchar(100) No   
having_Version_version_id  int(11) No 

This table holds all object properties.


Field Type Null Default
lng_tr_language_id  varchar(5) No   
translator_user_id  varchar(20) No   


Field Type Null Default
Object_obj_name  varchar(100) No   
Object_Version_version_id  int(11) No 
language_language_id  varchar(5) No   
tr_text  text Yes  NULL 
suggestion  text Yes  NULL 
mod_date  timestamp(14) Yes  NULL 
reservator_user_id  varchar(20) Yes  NULL 
date_to  datetime Yes  NULL 
author_user_id  varchar(20) No   
update_lock tinyint(1) Yes 0


Field Type Null Default
u_user_id  varchar(20) No   
password  varchar(100) No   
role  enum('tr1', 'tr2', 'admin') No  tr1 
real_name  varchar(255) No   
email  varchar(255) No   
note  varchar(255) Yes  NULL 
state  enum('active', 'suspended', 'removed') No  active 
last_login  timestamp(14) Yes  NULL 
config4  int(11) Yes  NULL 
config3  int(11) Yes  NULL 
config1  int(11) Yes  NULL 
config2  int(11) Yes  NULL 


Field Type Null Default
version_id  int(11) No 
v_name  varchar(50) No   
tile_size  tinyint(3) No  64 
maintainer_user_id  varchar(20) No   


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SimuTranslator: ©2004-2005 SimuTranslator Team
Documentation: ©2004-2005 Tomáš Kubeš
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