This module will be used for two different purposes; one will be the output of Simutrans usable translation files and second will be the text listing, object listing, and reservation task handling. |
The translation file output will generate output exactly as described in: Translation File Definition document. The user will have a choice to print output on the screen or create it as downloadable file. In this case, the file will be generated in the /tmp directory on the server and user will be given a link to this file. The file name will be <language_id>.tab. |
This module will be used for viewing object lists and for making reservations of texts for offline translation. Page should offer choice of version, and language and multiple check boxes and drop-down lists, each of them will specify different condition. Relation between all conditions will be AND. (Checkboxes and drop down lists will be: obj (object type), no-text, text older than x, reservation, display first y entries only.) User will select conditions and then execute a query. Program will output a list of object names satisfying the conditions. For each object name status of its description text will be given: does not exist, exit (date), author (user_id), reservation, reserved by (user_id) and checkbox where user can select the text for reservation. The buttons for checking all check boxes (or check only not reserved) should be provided. Below the list, there will be a text input field for reservation date, default value will be <current> + 7, maximum value will be <current> + 21, and minimum <current>. After clicking the “reserve these!” button, reservation will be made and user will be taken to reservation list page (described below). |
This module should provide output for off-line translation. User should select which language and which version he wants; choose if he wants to get all his reservations or only those newer or older than specific date, if he wants to get current texts and current suggestions, and if he wants to get texts in additional language. SimuTranslator should output list of all object names for reserved texts for current version and language, and their current texts, current suggestion or the text for same object and version but different language if user selected it. |
SimuTranslator: ©2004-2005 SimuTranslator Team
Documentation: ©2004-2005 Tomáš Kubeš
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