Simutrans-Extended InGame Help Online

Keyboard Help

Keyboard Help

Keyboard Help shows functions for various keyboard shortcuts.
Keyboard Help opens when an unassigned key is pressed or from General Help.
Key presses are case sensitive (use [Shift] for upper-case letters).
Keys with assigned functions include -xxx:
[.] / [,]: accelerate/decelerate rate at which time passes in the game, T, (Display Information shows the impact on performance, which varies according to the speed of your computer hardware).
[!]: toggles the names of stops, urban areas and text for markers, status colour bars (indicating the quality of service at stops) and goods colour bars (that indicate quantity of items at stops ready for transportation) that are shown in the main game window.
["]: toggle minimised view of trees and buildings in 5 stages (firstly, only city buildings and trees; then all buildings including factories and attractions; then just trees; then just city buildings; finally, trees and all buildings).
[#]: toggle view of grid in the main game window (only visible on zoomed-in the main game window).
[§], or [Shift] + [3]: select global forestation routine (not available on all keyboards).
[+] / [-]: sets Brightness
[Arrow Keys]: scroll the main game window in direction of arrow.
[Backspace]: close all windows, toolbars and help-texts in the main game window.
[Delete], or [Escape]: close top window, toolbar or help-text in the main game window.
[Enter], or [Return]: used to confirm actions.
[Page-Up], or [>]: zoom-in the main game window.
[Page-Down], or [ less than symbol]: zoom-out the main game window.
[a]: select Inspection Tool.
[b]: highlight reserved tracks.
[B]: open Message Centre.
[c]: take screenshot of the main game window (camera).
[C]: select found a new city tool.
[e]: select last Electrify Track tool used.
[d]: select Lower Land tool.
[f]: open Finances.
[g]: select Transformer station tool.
[G]: open Goods List.
[H]: select headquarters construction tool (not in use in all paks).
[I]: select Build a new power station tool.
[J]: open Jump to dialogue.
[k]: open Player List.
[l]: select Build Power Transmission Line tool
[L]: open Load.
[m]: open Map.
[M]: select Make a Sign tool.
[p]: pause/unpause game.
[P]: cycle through different player companies.
[Q]: open Create a New Game.
[r]: select the destroy/remove tool tool.
[R]: rotate map by 90 degree.
[s]: select last ?Road building tool used.
[S]: open Save.
[t]: select last Rail Track building tool used.
[T]: open City List.
[u]: select Raise Land tool.
[U]: Underground mode
[v]: toggle catchment area of Stops in the main game window (squares are in company colour).
[V]: open Vehicle List
[w]: open Line Management.
[W]: select/deselect FastForward.
[X]: open Create a New Game.
[z]: undo last route construction (construction costs are not refunded).
[1]: scroll the main game window south-wards.
[2]: scroll the main game window south-east-wards.
[3]: scroll the main game window east-wards.
[4]: scroll the main game window south-west-wards.
[6]: scroll the main game window north-east-wards.
[7]: scroll the main game window west-wards.
[8]: scroll the main game window north-west-wards.
[9]: scroll the main game window north-wards.
[Shift] + mouse: used on Map to see links in Industry Supply Chain.
[CTRL] + tool: construct (signals and Stops) on upper level; or build slower roads and tracks over faster ones; or build straighter (more direct) roads and tracks.
[CTRL] + ([F2] to [F12]): sets select current tool to keypresses [F2] to [F12].
[F1]: open Simutrans Help.
[F10]: pause/unpause game.
[F2] to [F12]: selects pre-set tool
