Administration menu is split into three parts.
Language Administration
Language entries in SimuTranslator hold the language locale data common to all scenarios and translations for given language.
This section is devoted to the maintenance of language data. You can either create a new language or modify an existing record. Both will take you to the same edit screen, the main difference is in the pre-filed data.
- Language Id - This is internally used abbreviation of the language. It should not contain any non-ascii characters, all letters should be lowercase, it should follow the ISO codes for language the names, and it should be in many cases only 2 characters long.
- Language Name - This is a full name of the language (in it).
- Font1 - Determines the name of a font which will be used by Simutrans to display the language.
- Language Codepage - This field determines an encoding for output language file. It must match with the encoding defined in used font.
- Font data - Internal data used by SimuTranslator for word wrapping. These data define widths of characters.
Version (Set) Administration
In the terms of SimuTranslator version (set) is any part of Simutrans which requires a collection of translation files. In most cases the set is also a set of game objects - for example 64x64 or 128x128. An important exception are the base files - translation data for Simutrans program texts.
This menu allows you to create and modify the set descriptions. Set descriptions contain base information about sets themselves (name, tile size) - used mainly by the SimuTranslator.
If you are creating a new version, you must not use any occupied id. Tile size must be an integer.
User Administration
You can either create a new language or modify an existing record. Both choices will take you to the same edit screen, the main difference will be in the pre-filed data.
If you are creating new user, please always fill-in the e-mail address. It is advisable that we should have contact for every translator.
Please set normal new user role to the tr1.
Any state other than active will prevent user from logging-in.
If you are creating a new user, you must not use any occupied id.