Object Management
This menu in SimuTranslator holds links to all screens with tasks related to the manipulation with objects. SimuTranslator is based on Simutrans objects. Their definitions are used as master data for translation entries.
Object Import
This tool allows you to import Simutrans objects into SimuTranslator. Extensive help can be found on the object import page.
Object Update from CVS
This tool allows you to update object properties of existing objects. Extensive help can be found on the object cvs update page.
Object Browser
This tool allows you to browse through all objects in the SimuTranslator. Upgrade of this tool is planned.
Object Purge
This option allows you to delete all objects from the set. Use with care.
No associated texts are deleted in this process. This makes this option useful in the case when you have removed some objects from the set outside of SimuTranslator. You can simply delete all objects from the set in SimuTranslator and then re-upload only new ones. Function to discard orphaned texts will be added later.
Object Export
This screen allows you to export existing objects as a group of images and dat files - combination which can be compiled using makeobj and used in Simutrans.
You can select the type of objects to be exported.
Please use save target as (save file as) in your browser to download created file to your computer.